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Nicolette Pezzolla

Alumnus - class of 2020

My name is Nicolette Pezzolla and I am a 2020 alumni of the Montclair State University Product (Industrial) Design program. In lieu of the disheartening news of plans to close the program, I wanted to briefly share my personal experience with the community of students, outstanding faculty and challenging curriculum.

I stepped into the Product Design major not having a full understanding of the impact that the next 4 years would have on me. Each and every semester presented unique opportunities, rigorous coursework, field trips, various design competitions, and numerous trips to museums. My 4 years were full of experiences that shaped me into the designer and person I am today.

The curriculum at Montclair is unique to other Product Design programs, as it is open ended and encourages students to explore projects and areas of design that interested them specifically. So, after graduating MSU, I had a specialized portfolio that allowed me to apply to certain industries with leverage that other graduates did not have.

The Product Design major also gave me a breadth of skills that I was able to apply across industries in my professional career. I have not only had the pleasure to utilize my skills in numerous product design positions, but as well as numerous graphic design positions.

At each and every interview I have had post-gradation, I am commended on the caliber of my work and the variety of skill I have and this is all in thanks to MSU.

With such a like-minded group of students, the faculty truly cares about every individual’s success. Dr. Feigler’s ability to shape the next generation of designers, year after year, with little to no help from outside the Product Design major, is to be commended. I personally can speak on the impact that Dr. Feigler had on me and would like to thank him for every ounce of time and energy he has put into creating and shaping the program.

With my personal experiences aside, I also believe it is imperative to keep the Product Design major at a distinguished state school, such as Montclair. By supporting the Product Design major, MSU is helping keep the design industry accessible to those who cannot afford private college.

Our community’s dedication to the program, long after many of us have graduated, should speak volumes to the curriculum and staff’s longterm affect on us and I respectfully request that the dean, provost, president and board can reconsider their decision to terminate this program.

I would love to discuss this further in person, as this is a cause I am exceptionally passionate about.

Thank you.

-Nicolette Pezzolla


Nicolette Pezzolla
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