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Hoi 'Holley' Chan


As a student who has benefited greatly from the product design major, I implore the school of Dean's office not to shut it down. This major has been a life-changing experience for me, and I believe it has the potential to positively impact the lives of many future students as well.

When I first came to the US, I knew that I wanted to pursue a career in the arts, but I wasn't sure which field to focus on. Thankfully, I received guidance from my high school advisor who recommended Montclair as an excellent art school in New Jersey. However, due to my economic status at the time, I had to attend a community college before transferring to a university. Montclair offered me the most economic support, and I was finally able to pursue my dream of studying fine arts.

While studying fine arts, I discovered that it wasn't the best fit for me. I felt uninspired and lacked direction, but then one of my professors in fine art major recommended the product design major. This major has been a perfect fit for me because it offers a diverse range of curricula, allowing me to explore my interests and find my true passion.

Not only have I learned valuable technical skills in this major, but it has also transformed me as a person. I used to be introverted, but this major has taught me valuable teamwork, problem-solving, and communication skills that have helped me thrive in both my personal and professional life.

Moreover, the product design major has a unique approach to teaching. Most of our professors are current designers who have firsthand experience in the industry. They are passionate about sharing their knowledge and offer constant support to their students, even beyond their own classes. Dr. Feigler and Professor Farrage even approached to offer me an internship during my second year in this program.

In conclusion, the product design major has been an essential part of my educational journey, and I believe it has tremendous potential to impact the lives of many other students positively. I urge the school of Dean's office to consider the value that this major brings and to continue offering it to future students.

Hoi 'Holley' Chan
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